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“首屆國際社會(huì )學(xué)論壇”在西班牙巴塞羅那舉行
——首屆國際社會(huì )學(xué)論壇紀要



  由國際社會(huì )學(xué)協(xié)會(huì )(聯(lián)合國教科文組織所屬的機構,成立于1947年)主辦,巴塞羅那市政府和巴塞羅那社會(huì )學(xué)協(xié)會(huì )協(xié)辦,巴塞羅那大學(xué)承辦的“首屆國際社會(huì )學(xué)論壇”于2008年9月5-8日在西班牙巴塞羅那舉行。來(lái)自世界數十個(gè)國家的約2000名代表出席了會(huì )議。
  開(kāi)幕式上,國際社會(huì )學(xué)協(xié)會(huì )主席米希爾·維偉奧卡、該協(xié)會(huì )研究與論壇組委會(huì )副主席奧特羅·羅德芮格、西班牙社會(huì )學(xué)聯(lián)合會(huì )主席埃米奧·拉默·埃斯伯納撒、西班牙加泰羅尼亞社會(huì )學(xué)協(xié)會(huì )主席奧瑞爾·胡姆斯先后致辭。
  他們認為:目前人類(lèi)社會(huì )所處的時(shí)代有兩大特點(diǎn):一是全球一體化的趨勢愈來(lái)愈強,二是社會(huì )變革的步伐愈來(lái)愈快。這給社會(huì )學(xué)學(xué)者的觀(guān)察視角和研究領(lǐng)域提出了許多新課題,同時(shí)也帶來(lái)新挑戰。歷來(lái),社會(huì )學(xué)學(xué)者雖然不能直接參與各種重大社會(huì )決策,但是卻都以自己不同的學(xué)術(shù)研究方法參與社會(huì )學(xué)的理論建構與社會(huì )實(shí)踐,用他們的深思熟慮和遠見(jiàn)卓識影響社會(huì )的發(fā)展。社會(huì )學(xué)尤其以開(kāi)放性、跨學(xué)科性、包容性產(chǎn)生的學(xué)科魅力吸引了公共的參與與辯論,形成了社會(huì )學(xué)在未來(lái)發(fā)展的基礎。此次會(huì )議正是在這一學(xué)科背景下,吸引了世界各國的學(xué)術(shù)精英參與其中。他們希望社會(huì )學(xué)不再是一種少數派的深奧語(yǔ)言,而是文化大家庭中的一員。幾位致辭者共同祝愿社會(huì )學(xué)研究者仍一如既往地以理性與智慧,為社會(huì )、為營(yíng)造人類(lèi)美好的生活環(huán)境做出更多的努力,取得豐碩的學(xué)術(shù)成果。
  巴塞羅那市長(cháng)出席閉幕式,并在會(huì )上致閉幕詞。

  本次會(huì )議主題是:“社會(huì )學(xué)研究論壇與公共辯論”,圍繞“全球一體化”和“社會(huì )轉型”做不同方面的討論。
  國際社會(huì )學(xué)協(xié)會(huì )擁有40余個(gè)不同學(xué)科的研究委員會(huì ),每個(gè)研究委員會(huì )都有各自的討論熱點(diǎn),比如:社會(huì )變化與社會(huì )問(wèn)題,公共話(huà)題與科學(xué)家的社會(huì )實(shí)踐,志愿者與老年福利,以生態(tài)經(jīng)濟學(xué)為基礎的知識評價(jià),移民的社會(huì )現象,婦女與社會(huì ),青少年與社會(huì ),科學(xué)與社會(huì ),技術(shù)與社會(huì )等數百個(gè)議題在這次論壇中被討論與論辨。
  尤為引人注意的是,有多個(gè)研究成果是關(guān)注休閑問(wèn)題的。這個(gè)議題不僅是休閑研究委員會(huì )的主打題目,而且像青年研究委員會(huì )、教育研究委員會(huì )、旅游研究委員會(huì )等等都選擇了休閑這一話(huà)題。
  休閑研究委員會(huì )參與本次論壇與辯論的主題是“轉型社會(huì )與休閑”,入選的論文有百十余篇,涉及的題目有:
    “休閑與社會(huì )轉型——后共產(chǎn)主義時(shí)代為例”
    “休閑社會(huì )的生活”
    “休閑與教育”、“創(chuàng )造性休閑活動(dòng)的積極影響”
    “休閑與感覺(jué)良好的社會(huì )”
    “休閑在社會(huì )空間中的分離”
    “游憩與休閑的社會(huì )市場(chǎng)”
    “轉型社會(huì ):對傳統休閑價(jià)值的回望”
    “休閑與老齡化社會(huì )”
    “運動(dòng)科學(xué)視野內科學(xué)技術(shù)的社會(huì )學(xué)分析”
  上述是這次會(huì )議休閑研究委員會(huì )錄取的會(huì )議論文的一部分題目。其它委員會(huì )的部分論文題目附后。因為各組的討論都同時(shí)進(jìn)行,有些相關(guān)的討論便無(wú)法聽(tīng)到。


  第一,參與此次會(huì )議的代表以歐洲代表為主,北美學(xué)者次之,亞洲學(xué)者主要來(lái)自印度,中國學(xué)者(從會(huì )議文集中看)只有6-7人,包括大陸、香港、臺灣、留學(xué)美國。
  第二,論文的國際視野較強,一般都突出了“全球一體化”與“社會(huì )轉型”這兩大時(shí)代特點(diǎn)。
  第四,學(xué)術(shù)的開(kāi)放性,一是論文本身所討論的問(wèn)題的多樣性;二是會(huì )議方式開(kāi)放。所有小組討論都在巴塞羅那大學(xué)的各校區的教室中進(jìn)行,任何人都可以參與討論。
  第八,歐美國家學(xué)者的研究視野更開(kāi)闊、觀(guān)點(diǎn)更新穎、方法更先進(jìn)、跨學(xué)科性更強。從聽(tīng)到的發(fā)言中能感受到歐美學(xué)者對休閑研究所具有的人文情懷和社會(huì )責任感。
  第九,印度社會(huì )學(xué)學(xué)者關(guān)注休閑研究領(lǐng)域的人比中國學(xué)者多,涉及的問(wèn)題有現實(shí)意義。

本次會(huì )議的不足是:

  第一,由于不同的研究委員會(huì )和參會(huì )代表太多,所以會(huì )議安排很分散,加之都在不同的校區教室,而這些教室散落在巴塞羅那城區內的各個(gè)小巷中,找起來(lái)很費時(shí)。
  第三,所有代表的住宿都是“各自為政”,代表之間會(huì )外的溝通、交流很有局限性。
筆者與劉耳教授合作完成的題目為:“社會(huì )轉型:對中國傳統休閑價(jià)值的回望”的論文在會(huì )上得到了交流。我們在論文中大致陳述了這樣的思想:“在中國5000年漫長(cháng)歷史進(jìn)程中,休閑作為一種亞文化形態(tài),對傳承儒家、道家、佛家文化傳統,對塑造中國人的價(jià)值觀(guān)和道德倫理,對提升人的品格教養、風(fēng)度禮儀等方面,始終發(fā)揮著(zhù)重要的作用。但是, 近一百多年來(lái),伴隨中國幾次大的社會(huì )轉型, 致使傳統休閑價(jià)值被肢解的愈來(lái)愈凌亂。尤其自20世紀80年代以來(lái),中國進(jìn)入了現代化的轉型期——經(jīng)濟的迅猛發(fā)展,產(chǎn)業(yè)格局的重大改組,文化形態(tài)的多樣化、多元化、多層化,生活方式中的現代化、時(shí)尚化、西方化等諸多因素的融入,休閑價(jià)值的精髓也愈來(lái)愈多地被物質(zhì)主義所浸染。加劇了傳統休閑價(jià)值在當代的解構與重構。正是在這一背景下,我們呼喚人們,回望休閑文化傳統的底蘊與價(jià)值,希冀為可持續發(fā)展與和諧社會(huì )的各種期許尋找新思路。”此文受到《世界休閑雜志》主編羅伯茨教授的青睞,與筆者做了交流并希望準予發(fā)表。
  北京旅游學(xué)院寧則群、羅震鵬兩位教授與之共同參加會(huì )議,并在會(huì )上交流了他們的論文。

  筆者作為該委員會(huì )的委員,參與了委員會(huì )的工作討論。應本委員會(huì )主席之邀,在工作會(huì )議上陳述了關(guān)于2009年在中國舉辦國際社會(huì )學(xué)協(xié)會(huì )休閑研究委員會(huì )第一屆學(xué)術(shù)研討會(huì )的具體設想。會(huì )議主題、時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)、規模、組織委員會(huì )等都在進(jìn)一步的磋商中。
  筆者在會(huì )議期間,還就組織翻譯第三套“休閑研究譯叢”與羅伯茨、蘇珊·蕭等人進(jìn)行了溝通,請他們推薦近年來(lái)歐洲學(xué)者的代表著(zhù)。值得欣慰的是我們已經(jīng)翻譯的十本書(shū)幾乎都在他們推薦的范圍內。我告訴他們,中國學(xué)者將從更廣闊的視野內和不同的專(zhuān)業(yè)領(lǐng)域內采擷、吸收、借鑒西方學(xué)者的研究成果。
  會(huì )議期間,筆者考察了巴塞羅那作為歐洲休閑度假勝地,特別是海濱休閑度假的發(fā)展軌跡與成功模式的可資借鑒之處。會(huì )后,筆者還游歷了地中海沿岸的國家與城市,對休閑與人、社會(huì )、自然的關(guān)系做了進(jìn)一步的思考;對如何休閑度假、如何發(fā)展休閑經(jīng)濟有了切身體驗和直接感受;對構建可持續發(fā)展與和諧社會(huì )產(chǎn)生了新思路。
  盡管,筆者剛一到達巴塞羅那便被自己的疏忽將裝有最重要的證件、物品的背包(含護照、身份證、三張信用卡、一張保險卡、旅行支票、現金、U盤(pán)、照相機、攝像機、翻譯器)遺忘在從機場(chǎng)到市區的大巴車(chē)上。幸運的是,第二天早上背包被送回來(lái)了,里邊還有護照和旅行支票。如果能把U盤(pán)也退給我就好了,因為那里有我制作的精美的PPT文件。為了做好這個(gè)PPT我拍了許多照片,包括北京奧運會(huì )、奧運會(huì )場(chǎng)館、市民休閑生活、北京公園等多幅照片。遺憾,我的演講沒(méi)有我的PPT。

附錄部分聽(tīng)會(huì )記錄

Location:URL A201

Children , youth and leisure aspiration
By: Taija Tdoren
Rethinking young people’s leisure in the context of the Finnish welfare state.
The ideal of AUTONOMY frames the ethos if leisure organizers.
Ethnic hierarchies
Value& Meaning of leisure?
An idle time? A risky business? A lonely space? A sphere for fun and emotional and cultural exploration? A possibility for societal( civic) engagement? Instrumental value?
Methological issues: how to catch ‘a(chǎn)lternative knowledge’ on leisure, when ‘nothing’ is happening?
Youth lifestyle, leisure conditions, and practices in daily life.

By: Kleanthis Sirakoulis ( Greece)
Does city planning effect young people participation?
Leisure provision- design to attract young people- determinative of the lifestyle.
Mean of leisure time for youth: 37.41+/- 17.8 hours/ week.
Youngth has more free time:

  1. Economical reasons: no economical weight. E.g: relaxing, radio, DVD, computer games, all home base activities, which, does not require ‘spending’.
  2. Conclusion: lack of cultural and sport facilities is a result of urban mis-planning.

    High cost of living create dissatisfaction about quality of life.

By:Rashimi Jain
Glaobalisation-children less dependent.
More computer game/phone pack

  1. no longer communicate with other children, therefore becoming social incapable. Means of 4.1 hour leisure time per day, 2.1 hours study, 4.2 hours computer game.
  2. No time for other leisure activities.
  3. More competitive.
  4. 18% pornographic website in Japur. Families and parents responsible for this results.
  5. All leisure industry target children: leisure is created, child is lost.

By: Ken Roberts
Geogeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan.
Personal leisure careers:

  1. how to identify and measure them?
  2. What do we find?
  3. What value is added vis-à-vis evidence cross sectional life stage?

Consideration: 31-37 years old, education background, labour market, housing, family relationship, leisure.
Differences widen by: social class and place. NOT by: gender or pace of family careers( how early people get married and have kids)
Value added: - life stage developmental process, not macro-historical trends, drive change in leisure. From 1995, GDP has grown up more than 10% per year,.

  1. change driven by age not by historical changes
  2. same pattern of change in all social group.
  3. Spurious cross- sectional relationship.
  4. Age group 16-30, responsible of motherhood, keep out women from leisure/sports.
  5. Higher education—higher sports participation.

Portuguese internet using

  1. Youngsters use internet mainly for educational purpose and entertainment .(games, communication, web surfing). E.g: students
  2. older and more qualified users use the internet for a cast and frequently simultaneous array of activities: work, news, communication, shopping and leisure. E.g: professionals.

Constant communication: more than 30% in Portugal has/ use internet.

  1. Equilibrium between work and leisure. E.g: check personal email and chat with friends whilst working.
  2. Computer and internet have become ubiquitous tools; they are used at home, work, when people commute between them, on vocation, when traveling. Internet has become a fundamental thing in live for most people.

By: Dr. Ake Nilsen
Topic: Technology and masculinity in the context of scuba diving.
Technology as : - tool

  1. human action
  2. how to utilize and organize the world

How is technology perceived and managed?

  1. the practical knowledge
  2. embodiment
  3. trust
  4. rational approach


  1. risk-activity- irrational choice.
  2. Rational approach to technology- the second skin- legitimates the activity.
  3. Contradictory masculinity: irrational or rational? As in general, masculinity replaces the technology through his own physical build.

By: Alan Law
Topic: undesirable, unemployables, and social malingerers containing a sober ‘ leisure society’.
Welfare state behave as regulate the workplace.
Leisure identities: travelers, and alcoholics( in Australia)

  1. problems of idleness shift between historical epthchs erecting particular identities as objects and subjects of governance.
  2. Alcoholic: desire to get drunk, is this a lifestyle choice? Continuity record in bureaucratic record, therefore regulated.
  3. Main thrust of technique is trying material dependency to identities valorized via the use of ‘laziness’- hence a re-distribution issue.
  4. Linkage of drunkenness and laziness as a character position varies according to main ‘ moral contagion’- main problem.


  1. intoxication an important site to locate the dysfunctional and illiberal will.
  2. Managing the dysfunctional will is an important way to prevent’ leisure society’ breaks that threaten the productive order.
  3. The non-rational or irresponsible are unwilling to accept the structure of the ‘work first then leisure’, relation by making their whole lives a descent into a state of pleasure within which liberal exchange relations find no hold.
  4. Society regulated the’ fun’ we have?

By: Frances Lobo
Topic: The social transformation of Australian leisure and emerge of participation.
4 kinds of time:
- Necessary time: greater in female. E.g: needs of grooming. Sleeping- female more than male: 8:30 Vs 8:32
- Contracted time ( i.e: work): study, work, education. Male dominated.
- Committed time: having children, set up house, volunteer. Women more dominated.
- Leisure time: parallel

By Susan Shaw
Only 17% of traditional family left in Canada.
New idea about being a ‘good parent’.
Responsibilities: children’s safety, health (both physical and psychological), achievement.

  1. Involvement in children’s daily life
  2. Emotion connection
  3. Particular responsibility: outdoor sports.

Intense motherhood: all aspects of children’s development.
Key issue: Conformity
Implication on leisure:

  1. control over children’s time: increase in organized activities for children
  2. increase in ‘purposive’ family leisure. Moral skills, lifestyle, for the sake of child’s development.

Questions to be ask:

  1. A devaluation of leisure?
  2. A loss of leisure?
  3. A melding of work and leisure?


Debate on The congress in China next year:
The conference has agreed and confirmed by the committees, a FORMAL REQUEST LETTER should be issued address to the ISA- leisure Research Committee.
Prof. Modi will be in charge of the invitation and socializing of the event. Should be expecting a 50-60 people from Modi side.
Issues still need to be solved:

  1. The date of the conference: Modi suggests early October but Ken Roberts think May or June will be better for academics.
  2. How much cost in terms of staying? Hotels? University guest house? How much does the conference committee cover?
  3. Should take the registration idea of ISA Barcelona forum, which means categories the registration groups. Different fees.
  4. The length of the conference.
  5. Need to ensure quality papers. Joint papers are welcomed. Also possibility of publishing afterwards.



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