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2016 Larasa World Leisure Congress

Call for Volunteers



The event management and logistics of the 2016 LARASA WORLD LEISURE CONGRESS will be undertaken by volunteers to ensure the Congress and social events run smoothly. The Volunteer Management team are calling on all volunteers in the event management, hospitality and leisure fields to submit their CVs for consideration. There are a number of different volunteer positions available to form a team of enthusiastic and energized young people to achieve a successful Congress. This opportunity will provide an experiential hands-on learning experience in the field of congress/event organization.


Learning opportunities:
Volunteers are required in the following areas: Registration | Accessibility needs | Door greeters | Local host volunteer room management | Flying squad runners | Airport hospitality | Off-site support | Communications | Media, website updates, social media | Information booth | Translators | Scribes | Bag Stuffing | Floor captains | Volunteer room assistants | Congress material distribution | Room hosting for education sessions | Evening event/party management | Program co-ordinators | Manage the evaluation of the congress | Co-ordinate volunteer meeting at the end of each day | Prepare daily report | Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese interpreters | Photographers | Program design and layout.


All volunteers must meet the following ESSENTIAL criteria :
      · Be able to communicate in English.
      · Must be a current registered student.
      · Studying towards event management, leisure studies, graphics and media, or hospitality and tourism.
      · 21 - 29 years old.
      · Must be highly MOTIVATED and RESPONSIBLE.
      · Work without supervision.
      · Independent thinker and willing to be part of a solutions and outcomes driven team.
      · Enthusiasm to work as a willing and able TEAM PLAYER.
      · Must have 3 contactable references.
The following criteria are recommended: Multilingual and have a valid driver’s license.


Personal benefits:
Extra credits gained for selective school programs | Free Entrance to conference based on the number of working hours | Academic exposure | Hands-on experience | Networking opportunities Conference goodie bag.


Special notes:

Volunteers will need to organise their own visas, flights, to and from Durban, and pay their own accommodation. All Volunteers must arrive at least 3 nights prior to the commencement date of the Congress for training (24 June 2016). Must have access to Skype or Google hangouts for the interview and online training purposes. For more information on being a volunteer visit the LARASA website:?www.larasa.org.za. Must be available for an online interview between 30 November and 15 December 2015.


How to apply:

If you are interested in applying as a volunteer at the 2016 LARASA World Leisure Congress, please send in your ONE page CV with contactable references, and ONE PAGE motivation to volunteers@larasa.org.za?before 30th of August 2015.



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