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2023年澳大利亞墨爾本會(huì )議的補充說(shuō)明
大會(huì )通知發(fā)出后許多同事問(wèn)詢(xún),這次會(huì )議是線(xiàn)上,還是線(xiàn)下?為此答復如下: 第二十屆世界社會(huì )學(xué)大會(huì )將于2023年6月25日至7月1日在澳大利亞墨爾本召開(kāi),為線(xiàn)下會(huì )議(提交英文摘要、遴選論文,大會(huì )注冊、發(fā)邀請信、持護照、辦簽證、買(mǎi)機票……)。休閑社會(huì )學(xué)研究委員會(huì )分會(huì )場(chǎng)是本次大會(huì )的組成部分,大會(huì )主題Changing Nature of Leisure Activities during Resurgent Authoritarianism。休閑社會(huì )學(xué)研究委員會(huì )分會(huì )場(chǎng)主題:Changing Nature of Leisure Activities during Resurgent Authoritarianism。如果您選擇休閑社會(huì )學(xué)專(zhuān)題提交論文(摘要), 請附送mahuidi@china.com郵箱。 謹告。
詳細信息請瀏覽: XX ISA World Congress of Sociology There is only 1 month left to submit abstracts to sessions organized by the Research Committees, Working and Thematic Groups. Kind regards, International Sociological Association
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