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12 Exciting Marie-Sklodowska Curie Doctoral Researcher Positions on Ageing, Place and Home 


HOMeAGE is a new and exciting EU funded doctoral training network on 'Advancing Research and Training on Ageing, Place and Home’ that addresses these research-policy deficits. 


HOMeAGE involves a nine-country collaboration between leading research units, major intergovernmental organisations, international civil society actors and governmental and non-governmental organisations. HOMeAGE aims to institute an interdisciplinary, intersectoral, and international programme of doctoral training and research that drives the development of new leaders in excellence for the advancement of evidence-based innovation on ageing in place. HOMeAGE will address the three interconnected challenges of (1) needs and systems, (2) home and belonging and (3) rights and voice. The 12 Doctoral Researchers will be hosted across the network. In addition to conducting an original research study, they will participate in a 36-month network-wide training program, public engagement activities and will collaborate with network members through short-term secondments in European and international intersectoral partner organisations. 


For further information on this programme and how to apply, please see: 


https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/49103, or e-mail: homeage@universityofgalway.ie   


Kind regards



Christine De Largy
Research Support Manager,
Irish Centre for Social Gerontology / Centre for Economic & Social Research on Dementia
University of Galway

Telephone: 00 353 91 49 5461





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