
The Chinese Society for Dialectics of Nature

Address: No.86, Xueyuan Nanlu
Beijing, 100081, China
Tel: 86-10-62103265, 62121984, 63174651
Fax: 86-10-62103268

An Invitation
March 22, 2005

On behalf of secretary-general of Chinese Society for Dialectics of Nature, I would like to invite you to attend an International Conference for Cross-cultural Dialogue On Youth Education at 21-25, May, 2005. During your visit, it is our hope that you can exchange ideas and make speech on the Youth Education. We also hope you might give a presentation on this subject.

We will cover accommodations and transportation within China for you for the duration of the conference (a total of 5 days). Please inform us in advance the flight number and arrival time of your flight to Beijing, so that we can make arrangement to welcome you at the Beijing International Airport.

We look forward to meeting with you in the May of Beijing, with many flowers in full blossom.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Guozheng
Secretary-general of The Chinese Society for Dialectics of Nature

The Chinese Society for Dialectics of Nature

Address: No.86, Xueyuan Nanlu
Beijing, 100081, China
Tel: 86-10-62103265, 62121984, 63174651
Fax: 86-10-62103268

An International Conference for Cross-cultural Dialogue
on Youth Education

One fourth of the world population is made up by youth. They are the hope of their families and the future of their nations. As the Chinese saying "it takes a decade to grow trees for a forest, and a century to cultivate the character of a people" implies, education for the youth is great cause for a nation. The healthy growth of the youth is the responsibility of the family and parents, and it is in turn an essential element that makes for a harmonious society.

After more than 3 months of preparation following the Doha International Conference for the Family and in according with the Chinese Association for Science and Technology’s authorization No.28 [2005], with a great deal of assistance from the World Family Policy Center (a non-government organization), it has been decided the International Conference for Cross-cultural Dialogue on Youth Education will be held in Beijing on May 21-25, 2005, under the auspices of the Chinese Society of the Dialectics of Nature, the Society for Love and Care of the Chinese Association, and the Chinese Association of Science and Technology Tutors for Youth.

The Main Theme of the Conference:
Cross-Cultural Dialogue on Youth Education
Specific Topics:
1. Comparative study of Eastern and Western approaches and methods for moral education for the youth
2. The benefits and harms of the Internet for juvenile development
3. The importance of family education for juvenile development
Purposes of the Conference:
To pass on good heritages of family culture; to promote the development of healthy youth culture, morality, and ethos of civilized behavior in society; to promote dialogue between different cultures; and to explore new approaches, new ideas, and new methods for youth education in the new historical circumstances we now face.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ma Huidi by telephone at 86-10-63174651 or by email at mahuidi@china.com or mahuidi@public.bta.net.cn.

Organization Committee for the International Conference
for Cross-cultural Dialogue on Youth Education

The Chinese Society for Dialectics of Nature

Address: No.86, Xueyuan Nanlu
Beijing, 100081, China
Tel: 86-10-62103265, 62121984, 63174651
Fax: 86-10-62103268

An International Conference for Cross-cultural Dialogue
on Youth Education

Schedule (21-25, May 2005)
(Temporarily Planning)

I have arranged something for your visit in Beijing and other places. The schedule is as follows:

May, 21 Arrive in Beijing, You will stay in Friendship Hotel.

May, 22 Morning The Conference Opening
22 Afternoon Talk about 3 theme through 3 groups
22 Evening Enjoy Beijing Opera

May, 23 Morning Visiting School and Recreation Ground for Youth
23 Afternoon Visiting National Library and the Museum of National Art.
23 Evening Meet and Banquet with Ministry of Culture friends

May, 24 Morning The Conference Closing
24 Afternoon Visiting The Palace of Emperor( the Forbidden City) and other cities
24 Evening Look around Commercial Street and Shopping

May, 25 All day Tour
Visit Great Wall and The Mausoleum of Imperial Family of the Qing Dynasty.

May,26 The Attendees from oversea will leave Beijing.

Organization Committee for the International Conference
for Cross-cultural Dialogue on Youth Education

花莲县| 隆化县| 青阳县| 铁力市| 深泽县| 娄底市| 女性| 六枝特区| 白山市| 蒙自县| 张北县| 于都县| 且末县| 榆社县| 府谷县| 阜阳市| 奇台县| 牙克石市| 福建省| 崇仁县| 碌曲县| 彰化县| 亚东县| 荃湾区| 英山县| 侯马市| 日土县| 桐庐县| 怀柔区| 瓮安县| 响水县| 苏尼特右旗| 广宗县| 集贤县| 墨江| 保靖县| 弋阳县| 澄城县| 通河县| 宾阳县| 江油市|